这个夏天,最热的综艺节目莫过于《乘风破浪的姐姐》。一个“逆龄女团选秀”:30位出道多年的、30+岁女艺人的选秀成团节目。 在未官宣、未定档的情况下直接上线芒果TV,依然火的一塌糊涂,强势攻占了各大网络和朋友圈,成为本年度最有话题的综艺。
三十而骊,青春归位Life begins at thirty,Youth is never costly.
不得不说,姐姐们是真的受欢迎。脾气火爆的宁静、敢作敢当的张雨绮、自信性感的钟丽缇、撒娇怼人的伊能静… … 30位姐姐,每个人都有不一样的色彩,个个状态都不错。每一个都又美又飒,每一个都个性张扬,每一个都魅力十足。那重点来了,《乘风破浪的姐姐》节目的英文名字到底该怎么翻译呢?
乘–means to ride
风–means the wind
破–means to ‘carve through’
浪–means waves
所以,“乘风破浪”就是:Riding the Winds and Breaking the Waves.字面上的意思是“扬起满帆”,比喻志向远大,气魄雄伟,不怕困难,奋勇前进,多含施展远大抱负之意。
维基百科上的“官方”翻译是:Sisters Who Makes Waves
感觉倒像是:兴风作浪的姐姐为什么呢?因为 make waves这个词组,有“掀起风波,兴风作浪”的意思,这样翻译就很容易引起歧义了。虽然姐姐们也不消停,但是正式翻译毕竟也不能翻译为“兴风作浪”吧。
Sisters Riding the Winds and Breaking the Waves.
例句:I adore surfing and riding the waves, even in the winter with high winds and waves.我喜欢乘风破浪,即使是在大风大浪的冬天。
新加坡知名报纸TODAY将片名翻译为:Older Sisters Who Brave the Winds and Waves
例句:This is an enlightened without the choice, it is a seer’s historical mission, this is a leader of the brave the wind and waves.这是一个觉悟者的无悔选择,这是一个先知者的历史使命,这是一个引领者的乘风破浪。
Sisters Who Breve the Wins and Waves.
例句:You should brave the winds and waves instead of being down in the dumps.你应该乘风破浪,而不是垂头丧气。
ride the wind and waves; brave winds and waves; cut through the wind and waves on one’s way towards; ride on the crest of the waves; ride on the wind; ride the waves forward; ride the winds and break the waves;
ride the wind and cleave [break] the waves; sail through wind and waves。
之前还有传闻说,节目组想把《乘风破浪的姐姐》英文名欲取为 Woman Like Me(像我这样的女人),听起来很霸气,但总感觉却没有体现出“乘风破浪”的意思。
A. Sisters Who Makes Waves
B. Sisters Riding the Winds and Breaking the Waves.
C. Older Sisters Who Brave the Winds and Waves
D. Woman Like Me
E. The Big Sister Theory
F. Gone with the wind
G. Lady on the Wind